Being able to troubleshoot UTV maintenance issues can be extremely useful. If you can figure out the source of the problem, you might be able to fix it yourself. Even if you still need to make a service appointment, you can save yourself some time if you’re able to tell the mechanics exactly what’s wrong. Of course, not everyone is a mechanical expert. That’s why Moto Zoo St. George has created this guide to troubleshooting your UTV maintenance problems.

Battery Issues

If your UTV has trouble starting, check the battery. A dead battery will need to be replaced, while an undercharged battery can be recharged using a tender. If the battery still isn’t functioning correctly, take a look at the terminal connection. Grease the terminals, apply an anti-corrosive, and then tighten them up. Some UTVs use a refillable battery, so if the electrolyte levels in your refillable battery seem to be dropping faster than they should, check to make sure that it doesn’t have any holes. 

Fuel System

If your engine is still slow to start and you’ve eliminated the battery as a possible cause, your next step will be to take a look at the fuel system. A failure in the fuel tank, filter, electric fuel pump, or injector could all be the source of the problem, so be sure to check all of these parts. 

Low Engine Power

Sometimes a UTV’s engine doesn’t put out as much power as it should be. This particular problem can be difficult to diagnose since it has so many potential causes, including an empty fuel tank, a clogged injector, a ruined ignition coil, a wrecked crankshaft position sensor, or a dirty/broken spark plug. Go through and check each of these parts one by one to diagnose the problem. Even if you think you’ve discovered the issue, go ahead and check the remaining parts, as your engine troubles could have multiple causes. 


It’s normal for an engine to overheat if pushed too far, but an engine that seems to overheat too easily is cause for concern. Start by checking the coolant levels. You should also check the coolant itself for signs of corrosion. If necessary, you can flush the system. If you’re still having problems with overheating, check the fan and radiator cap. 

For more information or to view our selection of UTV models, visit Moto Zoo St. George online or at our dealership in St. George, Utah. We also offer financing, trade-ins, parts ordering, and servicing. We are proud to serve the communities of Cedar City, Utah and Mesquite, Nevada, and we hope to see you soon.